Future opportunities

Humans have been making for Millenia.

One of the defining characteristics of humans is our drive to create.

We have been making tools and harnessing nature as a form of technology in ever more sophisticated ways throughout our evolution as a species.

This new generation of biomaterials exists in a long lineage of discovery. We are at the beginning of the next era of our material history.

One of the oldest human-made objects.
This Kanjera tool is roughly 2 million years old
7,000 years ago+
‘Natural’ Materials
Leather, Silk, Linen, Cotton, Wool
Synthetic ‘Naturals’
‘Artificial Silk’ - Rayon, Nylon ‘Artificial Wool’ - Acrylic
Performance Synthetics
Polyester, Lycra, PVC
Bio ‘Naturals’
Mycelium ‘leather’, Protein fibers, Microbial dyes
7,000 years ago+
‘Natural’ Materials
Leather, Silk, Linen, Cotton, Wool
Synthetic ‘Naturals’
‘Artificial Silk’ - Rayon, Nylon ‘Artificial Wool’ - Acrylic
Performance Synthetics
Polyester, Lycra, PVC
Bio ‘Naturals’
Mycelium ‘leather’, Protein fibers, Microbial dyes

When synthetics were first developed they were created to mimic natural materials, but as our mastery over them grew they developed their own aesthetics and performance criteria.

As we develop this new generation of materials made with biology we are currently referencing them to both the naturals and synthetics of the past.

The next phase for biomaterials is to develop their own aesthetic language and performance characteristics.

We have discovered only


of all species on earth

And we’ve already discovered organisms that naturally can...


There are many naturally occurring organisms that produce color. One example is Streptomyces Coelicolor - this soil bacteria has amazing capabilities, including producing antibiotics and secreting blue pigments.

S. coelicolor isn’t the only microbe used for producing color, there are many other organisms (from bacteria, to yeast and mycelium) found in nature that produce a rainbow of pigments and dyes.


Non-modified bacteria, also known as wild types, that biologically form limestone have been found in environments across the world. They enable us to grow cement in the same way that coral reefs do.

Rather than depleting the world’s limestone reserves working with these types of bacteria allows us to be restorative rather then extractive. Particularly important when concrete production accounts for 8% of global CO2 emissions.

Feed on

One of the most exciting developments in biotechnology today is ‘gas fermentation’ as an alternative feedstock to sugar. This is a process by which a microbe, instead of being fed sugar from a crop such as corn as its primary nutrient, can instead be fed carbon emissions. This has the double effect of helping to reduce climate warming emissions while producing a valuable chemical.

An example of this in action is Lanzatech who use gas fermentation to produce ethanol as a precursor chemical for polyester. This wonder microbe is naturally occurring not genetically modified.

Imagine the possibilities of what we’ve yet to discover and create...

What if materials could be naturally waterproof?
What if materials had articulated surface structures that moved like a snake’s skin?
What if we could grow super strength materials instead of using metals?
What if patterns could be as individual as our own DNA?
What if color in materials was light-responsive, protecting or exposing us to UV light as needed?
What if we could create intelligent materials that responded to our environment?
What if materials could be as lightweight and insulating as a feather?
What if materials could self repair by feeding on our sweat?
What if materials could photosynthesize and clean the air around us?
What if fibers could contain natural aromatherapy scents for well-being?
What if we could grow strong and lightweight structures just like bone?
What if our materials helped filter and improve air quality?
What if we could grow materials as hard, lightweight and iridescent as an insect's exoskeleton?
What if we could spin fibers as elastic and strong as spider silk?
What if we could create fur as weightless and soft as a dandelion?
What if we could source intense natural colors from microbes?
What if we could create luminous white fibers without bleach??
What if the surface of a material naturally controlled and funnelled water?
What if we could grow building materials the same way coral grows underwater?
What if materials could degrade in water adding nutrients?
What if materials were unique, beautiful and protective?
What if materials could harvest light and convert it into energy?
What if materials changed color to reflect our emotions?
What if materials could keep us warm or cool us like a pinecone opens and closes?
What if an adhesive could work like the sticky foot of a gecko?
What if materials responded to external stimuli with built in shape change abilities?
What if we could engineer patterns into the material itself?
What if we could grow structural color foregoing dyes?
What if we could grow ingredients that are impossible to harvest traditionally?
What if the surface of a material and the strength and flexibility of snake skin?
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